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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The pages are standardized in A4 size (21.0 cm x 29.7 cm), with a white background, and configured with a left and top margin of 3 cm and a right and bottom margin of 2 cm.
  • The text has at least the following five sections or their counterparts and strictly follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in the Formatting Guide: 1. Introduction; 2. Theoretical Foundation; 3. Methodological Procedures or Materials and Methods; 4. Results and Discussion; 5. Conclusion or Final Considerations.
  • The paper has between 12 and 25 pages, including the References.
  • Author names have been removed from the paper text and file properties. This step is necessary to ensure a double-blind review. Names should only be entered in the DOCX article file when the final (corrected) version is requested.
  • The name of all authors/co-authors will be informed in step 3 (Insert Metadata) with the respective ORCID iD's ( Remember that the advisor is also a co-author and that these names cannot be updated later. It is mandatory that all authors of the paper have an ORCID iD registered.
  • I authorize the reformulation of the text of the material sent without any payment due to copyright, and any interested party may access and/or reproduce it as long as they comply with ABNT or APA rules and for the purpose of disseminating scientific academic production.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal.
  • After reading the Author Guidelines, I agree and authorize publication of this paper on the Internet.

Author Guidelines

Before submission, we suggest that you evaluate your article through the checklist below, whose affirmative answers will help you have a greater chance of obtaining a positive evaluation.

  • Does the article make a positive contribution to knowledge in the area?
  • Does the article have bibliographic references and citations from articles published in quality and current scientific journals?
  • Does the article have bibliographic references and citations from articles published in international scientific journals?
  • Is the topic of the article current?
  • Does the article have adequate references to the object of the research carried out?
  • Does the article follow the journal's editorial guidelines?
  • Does the article adequately describe the methodology followed in the research, the qualitative and/or quantitative methods used?
  • Does the article have the objectives and conclusions clearly presented?
  • Has the quality of the writing and its grammatical compliance been thoroughly checked and corrected?
    Does the article have a maximum of 5 (five) authors?
  • Is the article original and not published?

The structure of the article should be as follows:

  • title in Portuguese at the beginning of the work, omitting the identification of the author(s) and with a maximum of 100 characters;
  • title in English with a maximum of 100 characters;
  • abstract in Portuguese with about 15 lines or up to 250 words, without paragraphs, containing objective, method, results and conclusion of the work, as well as a minimum of three and a maximum of five keywords in lower case, separated by semicolons and not as a full stop, all abstracts must have the English version (abstract
    and the keywords).
  • papers submitted in Spanish must have an abstract and keywords in the original language, in Portuguese and in English.
  • all abstracts must have the English version (abstract the keywords). Papers submitted in Spanish must have an abstract and keywords in the original language, in Portuguese and in English.
    the body of the text must consist of an introduction, theoretical framework, methodology, results and discussion, final considerations and references, being prepared in accordance with ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards) or APA (American Psychology Association) standards.

Submission conditions

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify submission compliance with all items listed below. Submissions that do not comply with the rules will be returned to the authors.

  1. Have done a review of Portuguese, ensuring an adequate writing.
  2. The paper must be original and unpublished.
  3. The files for submission are in Microsoft Word, Open Office or RTF format (as long as they do not exceed 2MB).
  4. URLs for referrals were provided when necessary.
  5. Text with single line spacing (before and after 0,0); uses italics instead of underlining (except for URL addresses); figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document, as attachments; must be formatted on A4 paper; margins: top (3 cm), bottom (2 cm), left (3 cm), right (2 cm); justified alignment, using MS Word text editor, version 6 or higher, Times New Roman font, size 12 and minimum limit of 10 pages and maximum of 25 pages, including tables, tables, notes, graphs, illustrations and bibliographic references.
  6. The identification of authorship of the work was removed from the file and from the Properties option in Word, thus ensuring the confidentiality criterion of the journal, if submitted for peer review (eg articles), according to the instructions available in Ensuring Blind Peer Review .
  7. Comply with the Copyright Statement of Conecta Magazine.
    The article has a maximum of 5 (five) authors.
  8. The article is not in the submission and/or evaluation process in any other journal.
  9. None of the authors has an article published in Revista Conecta  in the current year, since only one paper per year published in it is allowed.
  10. I declare that this manuscript is original, not having been submitted for publication in any other national or international journal, either in part or in its entirety.
  11. I further declare that once published in Revista Conecta, edited by Fatec Baixada Santista Rubens Lara, it will never be submitted by me or any of the other co-authors to any other journal. Through this instrument, on my behalf and on behalf of the other co-authors, possibly existing, I transfer the copyright of that article to Fatec Baixada Santista Rubens Lara Agostinho and, I declare to be aware that the non-observance of this commitment will subject the violator to sanctions and penalties provided for in the Copyright Protection Law (Nº 9610, of 02/19/98).
  12. In step 4 of the submission (Include a supplementary document), send a Word file with the authors' information.
  13. Still in step 4 of the submission (Include a supplementary document), send a Word file with the authorship information. The concept of authorship is based on the substantial contribution of each of the people listed as authors, especially regarding the design of the research project, analysis and interpretation of data, writing and critical review. The contribution of each of the authors must be explained. It is not justified to include the name of authors whose contribution does not meet the above criteria.
  14. Research involving human beings must, mandatorily, clarify in the body of work that it meets the norms of Resolution 466/2012 of the National Health Council - CNS or equivalent body in the country of origin of the research. The research carried out in Brazil indicates the approval number issued by the Ethics Committee, duly recognized by the National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP) of the National Health Council (CNS). In addition, the approval of the proof by the Ethics Committee must be submitted as a complementary document in the manuscript submission process.
  15. At least one of the authors who holds the title of Doctor.
  16. The submission must be carried out by the author who holds the title of Doctor, so that he can certify, with his submission, the quality of the submitted manuscript.
  17. The names and email addresses entered on this journal website will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.